Monday, 31 August 2015

Scorpio - All Finished

Here is my Scorpio cross stitch all finished just one more to go. Looking forward to seeing them all together.

Friday, 28 August 2015

My next project!!

I have though long and hard about what I want to do after  I have stitched all the Star Sign, and I came up with this

Her Name is Faythe and I have many more Little Cat people in the works ready to be drawn and changed into a cross stitch. I may change the design a bit when I get to stitching it, but for now here is the initial idea. 

and this is Fly, she is my Favourite one at the minute. These are the only two I have for now my I have many more in the pipe line. 
Watch this space!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Plastic Canvas Coasters

Here are a few coaters ideas I wanted to try out, I like having sets of thing so if I can make the pattern match when I am designing them, thats even better.

Friday, 21 August 2015


On the the next Sign, heres is the initial idea for Scorpio. I couldn't decide which way round to have the patterns, so in the end I swapped them because I think that looks better. The colours are pretty much the same though.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Plastic canvas Keyrings

been doing some experimenting with plastic canvas, and seeing what sort of stitches come out the best using different types of thread. Here is the result below, some of there key rings I am really happy with.

I also had a go at making a bracelet as well, but I need a better way to fasten it so it doesn't come loose.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Libra - Finished

Yay I have finished yet another Star sign. Here is Libra all finished and framed. I really happy with this one. only two more to go, on to Scorpio next