Friday, 26 June 2015

Gemini All Finished

Im really ahead of myself at the moment, here is the finished Gemini cross stitch. It takes me about two weeks from start to finished to get it done. But that is if I work in it every day and not have a day off. I thought this one would be the longest one to do as it has a really thick border. Anyway here is the finished piece!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


After Taurus it Gemini so here is the next drawing for the Gemini cross stitch. The colours have stayed pretty much the same for the final thing. 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

New and improved Pokemon deck cases.

My friend asked me if I could make one of my Pokemon card deck boxes for him, so here is the one I did for him.

I wanted to be able keep this one closed so I sewed on a button and made a button hole on the lid so it keeps closed, but I like this ides so much that I did the sam on some of the ones that I had already made.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Finished Taurus

So far I am still up to date with these Star signs, I am stitch them in the dates of when they are, but it may take me a while to put them on my blog but to continue with the theme, here is the finished Taurus cross stitch.

Friday, 12 June 2015

The Finished Aries

Took me a while but here is the finished Aries Cross stitch, This one in one of my favourite so far. =D

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


So after both of the baby samplers are done, I have final got around to doing another one of my star signs. So going down the list after Aries its Taurus so as always I start by doing some drawing for it first,

as alway it may change a bit when I start drawing it on Mac stitch, 

Friday, 5 June 2015

Theo William Syrett -The Finished Boy Sampler

and heres is the other one of the set, for my nephew born March 2014. really like this one as well. I can wait to see what these will look like hung up on the wall.

still need to do a full alphabet for the baby sampler writing. But really like how these both turned out. 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Ember Naimh Burgess - The Finished Girl Sampler

Here is the first sampler I finished. I really enjoyed doing this. It took me about to weeks. its a one of a kind made by me.

I have hopefully have designed in in such a way were can replace the letters if needed, to make mosh names.